How's Your Mobility, Balance and Strength? Find the Answers With These Exercises!

Are you wondering if your body is ready for those spring/summer sports! Below are three simple exercises to test your rotational mobility, core strength and balance.
Shayne Cleary
August 16, 2023

Three Simple Exercises to test your mobility, balance and strength!


Getting ready for warmer weather activity?! Has your tennis racquet or golf clubs been collecting some dust this winter? Maybe you are wondering if your body is ready for those spring/summer sports! Below are three simple exercises to test your rotational mobility, core strength and balance. Give them a try!



1.    Open book


How to perform: Start on your side, with knees and hips bent to 90 degrees. Extend both arms so they are straight in line with your shoulders. Next exhale as you raise your top arm and rotate in the opposite direction. Make sure to let your eyes and head follow. Hold the open position for 5 seconds.


What is it for: Mobility of your thoracic spine, chest, shoulders and neck


Things to pay attention to: Tightness in your neck, mid or low back, front of shoulder.

Open Book Start Position

Open Book Final Position




2.    Dead Bug


How to perform: Start on your back in a reverse table top position. Perform a posterior pelvic tilt(flattening back to floor). Keep the back flat as you extend your right arm back and left leg forward. Hold for 2 seconds. Go back to starting position and repeat on opposite side.


What is it for: Strengthening your deep core muscles


Things to pay attention to: Pain in hip or back. Difficulty maintaining a flat back while extending arm/leg

Dead Bug Starting Position

Dead Bug Final Position





3.    Single leg RDL


How to perform: Start in standing, tighten your core and lift one foot off the ground. Slowly hinge forward at the hip keeping your pelvis squared forward and bend until you reach the end of your hamstring length. You can slightly bend your bottom knee to decrease the hamstring tension. Lift from the glute to bring your trunk backup to the starting position.

What is it for: Strengthening of your gluteal max, hamstring, core as well as improving dynamic balance.

Things to pay attention to: Pain in your back or hamstring. Difficulty maintaining balance.                 

  SL RDL Position 1  

SL RDL Position 2



Contact us at if you notice any pain or difficulty with these movements! We are here to help!